The Research Center for Gender Equality (KETHI) of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family organized an event on: "Confronting Violence and Harassment in the World of Work in the Public Sector", on Tuesday 19 September 2023, at the "Georgios Anastasopoulos" Hall of ESIEA.

This was the fourth event that took place in the framework of the Programme "Interventions for the elimination of violence and harassment in institutions and businesses in the private and public sector", which is implemented by KETHI with funding from the OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning" (2014-2020).

The event aimed to inform and raise awareness among the public and especially among public sector employees on issues of prevention and response to harassment in the world of work. It was attended by the Chairman and the members of the Board of KETHI and the Deputy Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Mrs. Maria-Alexandra Kefala and the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Mrs. Vivi Charalabogianni, gave a speech about it.

Then, the results of the research conducted by KETHI, with the ultimate aim of investigating the needs of institutions and businesses regarding the implementation of Law 4808/2021, were presented by the Project Manager Mrs. Viktoria Germotsi and the Researcher Mrs. Angeliki Kazani.

Next, representatives of the Ministry of Interior and the Ombudsman presented the legal framework regarding violence and harassment in the Public Sector, as well as the measures-procedures for their prevention and elimination. In this context, the Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette 343/B/26-1-2023) was presented in detail, which aims to set a coherent and modern framework for the prevention and treatment of violence and harassment phenomenon in public sector institutions. Finally, the results of the research conducted by the Social Polykentro of ADEDY on sexual harassment in the public sector workplace were presented by Ms Maria Stratigaki, Scientific Officer of the research.

During the conference, the following ladies spoke: Claire Grigoriadis (Minister of Interior), Eleni Valaka (Minister of Interior), Christina Angeli (Ombudsman) and Stavroula Papadimitriou (ADEDY).

The event was coordinated by the journalist Sonia Haimantas.

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